
Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatry & Primary Care located in Colonial Heights, VA

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder services offered in Colonial Heights, VA

The extreme mood shifts of bipolar disorder can disrupt your life, relationships, and ability to care for yourself. At JC Health Group, dual-certified family and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Jessy Nwuba, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, offers personalized care for adults and children with bipolar disorder. Dr. Nwuba works closely with you to find the medication that best controls your symptoms. She also provides psychotherapy. Call the Colonial Heights, Virginia, office today to schedule an evaluation for bipolar disorder or book a consultation online. 

Bipolar Disorder Q&A

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings in adults and children. The mood swings involve cycles of extreme emotional highs (mania) followed by extreme emotional lows (depression).

The underlying cause of bipolar disorder isn’t known. Still, you or your child may be at a higher risk for the condition if it runs in your family. Other risk factors for bipolar disorder include brain chemistry imbalances and traumatic events.

JC Health Group provides diagnostic evaluations and treatments for adults and children with bipolar disorder. Dr. Nwuba focuses on strategies to regulate your moods and reduce the severity of your symptoms.

Bipolar disorder care is available in the office and through the online telehealth platform. 

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder symptoms vary based on the type. There are several classes of bipolar disorder, including the following:

Bipolar I disorder

Bipolar I disorder features at least one manic episode followed by a major depressive episode. In severe cases, you might experience psychosis — a condition that describes a disconnect from reality.

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II causes at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder involves several periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms over two years in adults and one year in children.

Dr. Nwuba evaluates your bipolar symptoms during a psychiatric assessment. She also may order diagnostic tests to check for medical issues that negatively affect your moods.

How is bipolar disorder treated?

JC Health Group offers comprehensive care for bipolar disorder. Dr. Nwuba tailors a treatment plan that may include:


Medication like antipsychotics, antidepressants, or mood stabilizers are beneficial for balancing your moods and preventing extreme high and low mood swings.


Psychotherapy sessions help identify negative beliefs and behaviors that influence how you think and act. You also learn how to better manage stress and cope with the challenges of bipolar disorder.

Dr. Nwuba can also make resources available for your family members and your child’s school to ensure you have the support you need to live a fulfilling and productive life.

Call JC Health Group today to schedule a bipolar disorder consultation for yourself or your child. You can also book an appointment online.